Enjoy the pristine waterways of one of Margaret River’s most popular pastimes.
The shores of Margaret River are rife with not only fish, but fantastic sheltered fishing spots for novices and experts alike. More than 400,000 amateur fishers visit Margaret River every year to fish in local waters – a sign of the region’s abundance of aquatic life.

Where To Go
Blackwood River
The Blackwood is a long, deep, timber-lined river that is home to a plethora of fish. Visitors can cast lures deep to snag some great sized Black Bream, with fishing encouraged all the way up to the river’s beautiful Alexandra Bridge (whose annual salmon run brings in crowds). The river is also home to varieties of brown trout, redfin perch and yellowfin whiting.
Prevelly Park
The river mouth at Prevelly Park is a fantastic spot for fishing. In winter, the waterways are stocked with salmon on their annual spawning run, and in warmer months, fly-fishing for black bream is very popular.

Boranup Beach
Accessible by 4WD, Boranup Beach is a long, sandy beach – and a salmon hotspot between March and May. It borders on the stunning Boranup Karri Forest (which visitors can camp amongst for free), and produces varieties of herring, tailor and mullaway fish in its deeper channels.
Smiths Beach
Smiths Beach is crystal clear and boasts a myriad of inviting colours. Fishing is very popular off the rocks at its point – where dhufish, salmon, sweep and flathead are regularly caught

If the list of fishing spots and fish available in Margaret River is enticing you, first make sure that you have the right supplies and tackle. There are many camping and outdoors stores that offer fishing lures, squid jigs and other fishing necessities you may require.
If you want to enjoy the Margaret River fishing experience to the fullest, speak to a local. Knowledge of ‘secret’ spots in the region for fishing is invaluable. Image credit: Canal Rocks, Boranup Beach, Indijup – Shutterstock, Indijup, Blackwood River – Margaret River Tourism Facebook