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The Blackwood River Arts Trail returns on March 23!

The Blackwood River Arts Trail returns on March 23, inviting visitors to explore the arts in the heart of WA’s beautiful south-west.

This vibrant arts trail showcases a range of art forms in artist studios, small galleries and other venues across the towns of Nannup, Bridgetown, Balingup, Boyup Brook, Greenbushes and Donnybrook.

Discover the work of 67 incredible artists as they open their home studios for an intriguing glimpse into their processes and creative environments, or visit exhibitions held in venues including cafes, gardens, gift shops, small galleries and collective spaces.

Many of the 35 venues are within or close to town centres, allowing you to wander the character-filled streets of beautiful regional towns and villages. A range of art forms can be found along the trail including sculpture, painting, ceramics, textile and wearable art, mosaics, weaving, felting, illustration and photography. A variety of creative workshops are also on offer by artists along the trail.

Work on display includes that of award-winning artists such as painters Lori Pensini, John Garde and Miranda Free, renowned sculptor Kim Perrier, weaver Liz Janney and many more.

The Blackwood River Film Festival (in collaboration with Revelation Perth International Film Festival) runs on March 23 and 24, and April 6 and 7 in Bridgetown and Nannup, showcasing feature films and short pieces from the best Australian talent.

Don’t miss this incredible celebration of art in the south-west – plan your trip today!

Explore more of Blackwood River in our guide.