Credit: Tori Lill

Yirra Yaakin presents Brothers Wreck, opens July 5

Sometimes death has the most to teach us about life. Ruben wakes to find that his cousin has died by suicide on a hot Darwin morning.

What follows is the story of a family, buffeted by constant tragedy, holding itself together – as their people have done generation after generation. This play asks us: how do we deal with death? And how many other people does it take for each of us to live? Little by little, Ruben’s family brings him back from the edge.

Credit: Tori Lill

Written by Jada Alberts, this performance approaches grief and and, anger, juxtaposed with the love and hope of being surrounded by family. Opening on July 5 and running until July 20, there will also be a post-show Q&A on July 18, and afternoon matinee performances on July 13 and 20.

Credit: Tori Lill

Support Yirra Yaakin and bundle Brothers Wreck with Bruce Denny’s Operation Boomerang and see both shows for a discounted price. You can also help Yirra Yaakin to continue bringing incredible Aboriginal theatre to the stages of Perth and beyond by making a donation here.

See more from Yirra Yaakin in our guide.