# Teaser H1

Teaser H2

Teaser H3

Phasellus vel condimentum velit. Nunc quis massa lacus. Nullam lacus nunc, vestibulum eget tellus nec, euismod eleifend risus. Vivamus nec pharetra diam. Proin id blandit lectus, ac sollicitudin orci. Nullam a massa magna. Maecenas non dolor accumsan sapien lobortis ultrices et ac libero. Curabitur ac diam in dolor ultricies consequat. Maecenas ut fermentum quam, id dictum libero. Morbi a condimentum nisi. Maecenas feugiat massa ut enim finibus, al

The best brewers and beers have been recognised in the 2023 Perth Royal Beer Awards on June 9th, with entries from across Western Australia and even Queensland in the running for the title of champion beer. With 574 beers from over fifty exhibitors, here are the winning beers you must try.

Special Trophies

TROPHY for CHAMPION LARGE BreweryRocky Ridge Brewing CompanyTROPHY for CHAMPION MEDIUM BreweryWhite Lakes BrewingTROPHY for CHAMPION SMALL BreweryKing Road Brewing CoTROPHY for BEST NEW EXHIBITORBoundary Island BreweryTROPHY for CHAMPION BEERRocky Ridge Brewing Company Jindong Balling


TROPHY for BEST LAGER PACKAGEDBeerfarm IPLTROPHY for BEST LAGER DRAUGHTWhite Lakes Brewing Whitelakes DarkTROPHY for BEST PALE ALE PACKAGEDInnate Brewers DDH American Pale AleTROPHY for BEST PALE ALE DRAUGHTIndian Ocean Brewing Co. Fruitulus LupulusTROPHY for BEST INDIA PALE ALE PACKAGEDRocky Ridge Brewing Company Ace IPATROPHY for BEST INDIA PALE ALE DRAUGHTKing Road Brewing Co King Road IPATROPHY for BEST AMBER – DARK ALE DRAUGHTOtherside Brewing Co VinylTROPHY for BEST PORTER – STOUT PACKAGEDCowaramup Brewing Company Cowaramup Chocolate Porter 12 2023TROPHY for BEST PORTER – STOUT DRAUGHTBlack Brewing Co Black Brewing Co Bao Bao Milk StoutTROPHY for BEST EUROPEAN STYLE DRAUGHTArtisan Brewing Abbey B.TROPHY for BEST HYBRID & SPECIALTY PACKAGEDRocky Ridge Brewing Company Jindong BallingTROPHY for BEST HYBRID & SPECIALTY DRAUGHTGolden West Brewing Company Smooth Bourbon Vanilla PorterTROPHY for BEST LOW ALCOHOL PACKAGEDThorny Devil Brewing Company Thorny Devil Vienna LagerTROPHY for BEST LOW ALCOHOL DRAUGHTWilson Brewing Company Light House – Session XPA